Toram Online Leveling Guide Lvl 21-120 ( Bosses Only)
2019-07-11 01:39:27
It’s hard to level up in Toram Online for sure.Nowdays, many players tend to use spina or NC and stuff. So if you are like me who prefer grinding, here I have for you guys a list which will level you up to 120 from 20. With Bosses. And for those who are pay to win, you can buy Cheap Toram Online Spina at with the cheapest price online.
Each one of these give 10 % Exp for their level.So defeat each 10 times and boom level up )
Lets Begin (Cue the drum beat):
20-28 Eerie Crystal (Normal) Isthmus of Cause
28-32 Genpenst (Hard) Sofya City Underground Channel
33-36 Eerie Crystal (Hard) Isthmus of Cause
37-42 Genpenst (Nightmare) Sofia City Underground Channel
43-45 Eerie Crystal (Nightmare) Isthmus of Cause
46-50 Forestia (Normal) Land of Chaos
51-54 Minotaur (Nightmare) Ruined Temple
55-56 Mauz (Normal) New Moon Palace
57-60 Forestia (Hard) Land of Chaos
61-62 Flare Volg (Hard) Fiery Volcanoe
63-64 Mauz (Hard) New Moon Palace
65-69 Masked Warrior (Normal) Land of Cultivation
70-71 Pillar Golem (Normal) Lost Town
72-74 Grass Dragon Yellow (Normal) Vynyshed the Tainted Land
75-78 Masked Warrior (Hard) Land of Cultivation
79-82 Jade Raptor (Normal) Gravel Terrace
83-84 Grass Dragon Yelb (Hard) Vynyshed the Tainted Land
84-86 Scrader (Normal) Magic Waste Site
87-92 Jade Raptor (Hard) Gravel Terrace
93-94 Grass Dragon Yelb (Nightmare) Vynyshed the Tainted Land
95-97 Nurethoth (Nightmare) Gate to Another World
98-102 Jade Raptor (Nightmare) Gravel Terrace
103-107 Scrader (Nightmare) Magic Waste Site
108-109 Masked Warrior (Ultimate) Land of Cultivation
110-111 Pillar Golem (Ultimate) Lost Town
112-114 Grass Dragon Yelb (Ultimate) Vynyshed the Tainted Land
115-116 Nuretoth (Ultimate) Gate to Another World
117-120 Jade Raptor (Ultimate) Gravel Terrace
Finally Done.
Well, to be frank, the last ones are nearly Impossible to do without help from those Cappies(170 guys).
Well, then time to grind the heck out .
Good Luck!
Of course, you guys might be wondering that some bosses that give more Exp aren’t mentioned.
It’s because this guide is like if you have completed no Main Quest.So those bosses are not available.
For leveling till 170, you guys can check other guides(Mostly Mini Bosses).